Mp3 Download song True Vibe You Are The Way FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. True Vibe song lyrics

True Vibe - You Are The Way Lyrics

This planet keeps on spinning around and around
Sometimes I get confused
It's easy to feel busy, so I keep my eyes on You

You are the Way that shines through the dark
You are the Truth that brings hope to the heart
You are the One that keeps me alive
I believe You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life

And when I fear the darkness, I cry out to You
You shine like the morning sun
You give me peace in my heart
You are the only One

You are the Way that shines through the dark
You are the Truth that brings hope to the heart
You are the One that keeps me alive
I believe You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life

I'll follow You all the way to Heaven
Jesus my Savior and my Friend

You are the way
You are the life in me
YOu are my hope
You are my everything
You are the way
You are the truth, the life in me

You are the way (You are the truth)
You are the life in me
You are my hope (You are my dreams, my everything)
You are the way ( You are the truth)
You are the life in me
I'll cry out to You

You are the Way that shines through the dark
You are the Truth that brings hope to the heart
You are the One that keeps me alive
I believe You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life
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